Monday, February 6, 2012

Blueberry Pancakes

I'm back having clocked six days, two performances and four orders of blueberry pancakes...yes FOUR! If you didn't believe that I was a secret fat kid before, I hope you'll trust me from now on. I can put it away, and I exercise for my own narcissism mostly.

This was Viking Boyfriend's yummy breakfast (it looked so happy!) but don't be fooled the pancakes in the background were bigger than my head. When we weren't noshing on breakfast foods there was a lot of this going on:

Viking Boyfriend bought a new game with his gift cards from x-mas and I scoured Craigslist like a fiend. At least two applications per day, and I also made some pretty rad Polyvore sets and beefed up my Pinterest, you know, so when I'm at a job interview and they ask "do you think you have an editorial view on fashion and design?" I can say "Why yes, please direct your attention to my glorious Pinterest!" I hear that's the first question they ask at the interview for Dunkin' Donuts.
And in between (Irish) Viking Boyfriend's performances I got to catch up on some writing and took Artist-Self on our second date! Cue music:

First Artist Self wanted to go try on some clothes, and frankly so did I. There's something therapeutic wandering racks of clothes, so I picked out a few outfits, and I let Artist-Self chose a few...

I picked out a buffalo plaid button up (huge shocker) and I let Artist-Self put a sleeveless trench over top of it. Not bad! I felt nice and Michael Kors-y in it and inspired me to thrift a trench coat just to rip the arms off of it.

I can hear the collective sighs of my friends already. "A blue dress? Again? Oh Kiley!" But hear me out, it had polka dots and it was swishy, and it reminded me of Spring.  It also seemed to compliment Viking Boyfriend's socks...yup, classy move.
Artist-Self picked this one out. Lots of color, reminded me of Florida, well done Artist-Self.

The next thing Artist-Self wanted to do was browse the make-up aisle for far too long, find some inexpensive Valentines (I can't show you or it wouldn't be a surprise!) and remembering that it was Jason Wu day at Target!

After the Missoni fiasco of last year, showing up at Target only to find baby leggings and a size 5 rain boot, I swore off designer collaborations no matter how lovely. Now of course when I got there all that was left were a few dresses and the t-shirts, but it was still a pleasant surprise (and look how much better the lighting is in there! I'll never buy a bathing suit anywhere else!)

This morning I packed it all up, kissed the Viking goodbye, and came back. The lake was a Tiffany Blue and the sun was shining, it's a sign right?

More Chicago adventures to come this week!

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