I can't tell you how much I enjoy e-mail surveys, mostly reading other people's answers. The women of my family are expert e-mail survey takers, always coming up with witty and sarcastic answers. I'll be honest, they're so good I save them. I still have an e-mail survey my Grandma Morgan took when I was still in high school! Let's be honest, how often can you sit down and ask everyone all these random questions?
In any case I had Viking take this A-Z survey with me before he left for Russia. He seemed aprehensive of answering all these questions for me, but once I read it all back he laughed and thought it was "kind cool".
A. Age:
K: 23
B: 24
B. Bed size:
K: Queen
B: Full
C. Chore that you hate:
K: I hate any chore I'm too busy to complete, usually putting laundry away.
B: Dishes, should have said laundry
D. Dogs:
K: Had a Schipperke named Pippen...and I so look forward to having a dog in the near future!
B: Yes please!
E. Essential start to your day:
K: Breakfast and coffee: will not function without these things.
B: Wake up?
F. Favorite color:
K: I always say Green or Pink, lately a lot of turquoise, mint and coral.
B: Blue
G. Gold or
K: Silver
B: Silver
H. Height:
K: 5'8"
B: 5'10"
I. Instruments you play:
K: Used to play flute and saxophone, would love to learn the banjo or ukulele
B: Guitar, Drums, Base, a little Piano...not a "small piano"
J. Job
K: Freelance artist/stage manager/food service/customer service extraordinaire
B: Graduate Assistant, Student
K. Kids:
K: Some day
B: Not yet
L. Live:
K: Chicago, Illinois. North side!
B: Dekalb, IL
M. Mother’s name:
K: Pamela Lee, but you can call her Pam, or Mom.
B: Julie
K: KMo, Kiley-K, Punkin', Whoops-A-Doodle, Copernicus (?), Ki, Ky-wee, Pook-a-saurus-rex
B: Bill. Billy. Billiam. Willy, Commissioner, Flash, (Bill said in any accent), Bubby
O. Overnight hospital stays:
K: Not since I was born (knock on wood)
B: Never, my gallbladder was outpatient
P. Pet peeves:
K: Mostly city customs, like people that stand on the left side of the escalator or people that try and board the L before people have had a chance to get off, rude!
B: Rubbing hands on carpet...so irrational
Q. Quote from a
K: "The time to make up your mind about people is never" - Tracy Lord, Philadelphia story
B: "He hates the cans!" -The Jerk
R. Right or left handed:
K: Right
B: Right
S. Siblings:
K: One younger brother, Reid
B: One. Tom.
U. Underwear:
K: Lace top bikinis
B: Daily.
V. Vegetable
you hate:
K: Iceberg lettuce.
B: I don't hate...raw broccoli? No, that's still pretty good. I like vegetables.
W. What makes you run late:
K: Public transit and poor timing
B: I don't run late...unfortunate circumstances?
X. X-Rays you’ve had:
K: Arm, spine, feet, left hand, collar bone...think I might have had a CAT scan
B: Little toe, gallbladder, teeth, big toe, arm(s), hand(s), skull, I think that's about it.
Yummy food that you make:
K: Cupcakes and quesadillas!
B: All of it.
Z. Zoo animal:
K: Orangutans, Gibbons, Kiwis, Red Pandas
B: I like the tigers, penguins, I really like all of the animals I don't pick favorites! Next question!
Feel free to kill a little time on this lovely Thursday by copying, pasting, and replying in the comments!
I love these too!
ReplyDeleteA. Age:
B. Bed size:
Queen, but saving up for a California King! OH YEAH!
C. Chore that you hate:
Laundry, everything about it.
D. Dogs:
Labs, pit bulls, pointers... all dogs!
E. Essential start to your day:
Coffee, carbs and puppy kisses
F. Favorite color:
Yellow and purple
G. Gold or Silver:
Silver. Sometimes gold. Depends on the day
H. Height:
5'4.5" -yeah that .5 matters
I. Instruments you play:
Tuba. Tuuba. Tuuuba. TUUUBAA!
Would love to get back to piano lessons...
J. Job title:
Job 1: Member and Volunteer Services Associate
Job 2: Gameday Staff/Promotions Staff Member
K. Kids:
L. Live:
M. Mother’s name:
Lynn. Mamma Rose.
N. Nicknames:
O. Overnight hospital stays:
P. Pet peeves:
People who show up late. When someone tells me something 20 times because they think I don't understand or remember the previous 19 times.
Q. Quote from a movie:
"That's so funny I fell off my dinosaur!"
R. Right or left handed:
S. Siblings:
Sister, Brother, Brother-in-law... and soon to be Sister-in-Law
U. Underwear:
Printed and vibrant colors
V. Vegetable you hate:
Okra, Brussel Sprouts
W. What makes you run late:
Not much. I am usually 15 minutes early.
X. X-Rays you’ve had:
Arm and nose
Y. Yummy food that you make:
Burritos, cake (of all sizes)
Z. Zoo animal:
Rhinos, Sun Bears, Otters and anything I am allowed to pet/feed