Monday, June 25, 2012

24 Before 24 Re-Cap

You will recall back in January I was inspired to create a 24 thing to do before I'm 24 list and I didn't complete near as many as I would have liked. To be fair, I only gave myself 6 months, and I know that some of it is out of my control (can't go on a trip with Viking Boyfriend without him, hard to save up for a dog when you're working minimum wage, etc.)

I'm disappointed that I didn't get some of the easier things done because I just forgot about it! Donating money or time to charity is one, or buying a format for my blog. Some of it also made me realize that I'm not sure if it's what I want to do: grad school? Maybe later, much later. 


2. Buy one investment piece I’ll have forever

5. Dye my hair

6. Buy a new camera

17. Buy my brother a drink on his 21st Birthday

24. Buy a couch

Honorable Mentions:

1. Write a pitch for a travel book - Lots of research!
3. Travel to one place I’ve never been before - Dreams of going to Atlanta this summer: dashed.
4. Fill five notebooks with writing - 2 notebooks should count for something...7. Be happy and self-sufficient with my employment - Self sufficient, sorta. Happy? Eh.
8. Find a work-out regiment that makes me happy - Just picked up running again.
12. Finish reading the books on my shelves - Started a few, no finishers.
16. Start shopping vintage more often - Little bit o' thifting
20. Promote myself without being embarrassed - I can promote myself better; still embarrassed.
21. Use all the old lip glosses in my make-up drawer - Tried sooooo hard! Just too many.
22. Shop my closet and wear all of my clothes. If I don’t, I have to donate it at the end of the season - The biggest problem is having strict uniform rules at both my jobs...not a lot of time to wear what I want.

Epic Fail:

9. Complete a full length play and submit it
10. Save up enough money for a puppy
11. Take an improv class at Second City
13. Go on a trip with Viking Boyfriend
14. Finish making the dress and skirt I started
15. Complete one application to Grad School
18. Buy a great format for my blog
19. Get a credit card
23. Donate money or time to charity

It's inspiring me to roll some of them over on to my 25 before 25 list and come up with a few new ones, plus which I'll have a whole year to complete them next time. I'm very optimistic about my 24th year!

1 comment:

  1. honorable mentions and accomplishments definitely outweigh the fails. those red hunter boots are absolutely fabulous! definitely a good investment ;)
    xo TJ
