Friday, September 28, 2012

Candy Pink

My mother hasn't bought me an article of clothing without my presence or prior approval since the great white button up incident of 2001 in which my mom had to purchase me a plain button up white shirt for a band concert in the 7th grade. She came back with a short sleeve white button up with bows adorning the cap baggy pants/boys shirts/pseudo skater wanna-be self threw a fit, and from then on I have been consulted on clothing.

My style has developed quite a bit since then, I suppose Mom could pick out my clothes now that she isn't deathly afraid of me becoming a 7th grade butch (for real, I had a Kate Gosselin hair cut). Although there is an obvious trend in my clothing to tend towards boy-ish. Whiskey-Pants put it best when we were shopping one day: "I just think, would an old man wear this? And if the answer is yes, then I can buy it for you."

So imagine my surprise when a co-worker returned from a thrifting trip with a suede bubble gum skirt and told me she had thought of me! I don't know if this means if my style is changing, or if its evolved in to its own thing. Classic/girly with an edge/tomboy/old man/ultra femme?

I don't suppose I care too much what label this skirt is attached to, I just know that I love it :)

On another note, I've taken to doing a pre-work outfit photo shoot in the bathroom...classy dame that I am. 

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