Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Out Like a Lion

via Design Love Fest

via Brooklyn Blonde

via Hello Fashion

via This Time Tomorrow

via See Jane.

First day of spring and Chicago celebrated by letting the temperature drop 10 degrees from yesterday. Did I mention the wind chill? Way to be Chi, way to be.

As I was walking home after work, a girl bemoaning the weather to her dog expressed my thoughts: "I don't care what it's like tomorrow. I've got tights, I've got a jacket, I'm wearing that new spring dress!" Woman after my own heart. Loving her new spring clothes and telling her dog all about it. So I decided to throw caution to the wind and dig my white jeans out of under bed storage today. Seems like the perfect mix of practical/warm and fresh/spring.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The Anatomy of a Chicago St. Paddy's Day Hangover:

A coffee run is the obvious first step and you feel like you're making the right choice by getting it iced despite the frigid temperatures. At least the ice cubes are hydrating. A line of college basketball players waiting for steak and cheese bagels makes you wonder if you'll catch the El on time, which you do. You start to wonder if people have noticed your green jeans that were so obviously for last night's festivities, but then realize that Sunday is actual St. Patrick's Day. Score.

Sip carefully on the iced coffee and wait to get home to devour the muffin in your purse that you're saving for when the time is right and your exact specifications have been met. The neighbors pomeranians silently but happily greet you at the front gate  furthering your longing for a dog but your pounding head confirms that it's a responsibility you can't handle. Grateful that the other neighbors are making something with rosemary in it today as opposed to curry as you lug your sad cramped up legs up three flights.

A twenty minute boiling hot shower/teeth brushing combination makes you feel at least half way human but now you can't bring yourself to get out of the shower. The comfiest of sweats are carefully chosen. One minute of getting situated on the couch with Chicago Fire playing on your laptop and a bite of the patiently awaited muffin confirms that you're not going anywhere. A quick facebook scan and a text from a friend confirms that people do still go out drinking on actual St. Patrick's Day but obviously not like Chicagoans do on Saturdays.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


JUST in case you weren't aware just about every day in the United States has a food holiday. For example, March 6th is National Frozen Food Day as well as National White Chocolate Cheesecake day...I'll leave it up to you which you'd prefer to celebrate.

Allegedly Monday was National Breakfast Day according to a normally reliable source. Further investigation shows it was actually National Poundcake Day, but that is neither here nor there. What it did inspire me to do is get creative with my breakfast food (for dinner) for a solid week...

Monday was (frozen) waffles with blueberries, although this recipe for blueberry syrup would have been a nice addition. Tuesday was a "hangover melt" courtesy of Glamour, recipe here. Tonight was crispy roasted potatoes. Original recipe calls for a regular potato with parmesan and seasoning salt, but I made a sweet potato with cinnamon and a little bit of brown sugar. Either way it would be delicious, recipe here.

Tomorrow I'm thinking Chai Spice or Scotcharoo Oatmeal, although I can't ignore the fact that March 7th is National Cereal Day...but let's be honest I would celebrate that morning, noon, for 365 if I could.

What's your favorite breakfast treat? (Waffle Day is March 26th, mark it on your calendars! Ridiculous list of food holidays here)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Travel: Atlanta

Photo Via

With the Atlanta trip less than a month away, E asked me what I wanted to do while I was there other than the Color Run and promptly stuffing our faces afterwards. I've never been outside the Atlanta airport so this may take some research, but here's what I have so far...

Photo Via

Stone Mountain Park seems like a relaxing place for a hike with my niece Kira. E's reaction: The KKK started there! Thank you scenic Georgia.

Photo Via

Historic Oakland Cemetary Tours...this may seem like a strange one, but E and I have been kicking around historic cemeteries since our high school days...take that how you will, we just find them fascinating.

Photo Via

I ask for recommendations at work when tourists from Atlanta roll through, and almost all of them say the Georgia Aquarium...or the World of Coca-cola tour? Since my love of sea creatures far outweighs my feelings towards sugary beverages (unless the Jack Daniels factory is magically attached) then I think I'll be spending a day at the Aquarium. 

Photo Via

Either that or E's membership to the Zoo Atlanta since ohmygawd a baby orangutan was just born! My heart beat still!

I've heard good things about the Atlanta History Center and and I could get free tickets to the High Museum of Art and E suggested going to the Cubs/Braves game too! Of course I don't want to spend my whole vacation doing touristy things so I should probably narrow it down. Hopefully further foursquare investigation will lead me to some good bars and hangouts.

Have you ever been to Atlanta? What can I absolutely not miss?

Sunday, March 3, 2013


In case you're wondering, I "lovingly ripped off" this little survey from Delightfully Tacky. It seemed like the perfect re-kick-start to my blogging adventures. I thought I would take a break for a couple of weeks and see if I was any better for it...but alas I am not. My creative outlets are few and far between, and eliminating the blog only added stress as opposed to decreasing it. I will try and remember this next time I decide to go blogger AWOL.

Stuck on the last two chapters of Dresden File's Summer Knight. Once I'm finished I can't decide if I want to continue with the the series or take a little break with Diane Keaton's Then Again.

Catching up on my Hulu queue. New Girl, Chicago Fire, Parks and Recreation, and I still have the last episode of 30 Rock there too. I can't bring myself to watch it! Need a new series to though...

I could get the remainder of my apartment put together. I moved in November and things are still in plastic boxes and art is still sitting on the floor. I need a plan of attack to organize and decorate this place on a limited budget. I would love it to feel more like my home than just a place to crash every night. I know these things take time, but I feel like I'm stalling by not doing the basic projects I've already set up for myself. Hopefully once those things are done I'll have a sense of direction in what I want to do next.

Proud of..
I started working out in my apartment four weeks ago and I'm still at it! I have yet to go outside for a run, but I can already feel a difference in my energy level just by doing plyometrics. I like the Bikini Body Workout from Self and the Get In Shape for Summer workout from Refinery29. I have also taken a greater interest in nutrition and cooking for myself, which isn't to say that I'm not having cereal for dinner every now and then, but I'm getting better!

Excited about...
Mama Morgan decided to come to Chicago for a few days at the end of March! Also the Atlanta trip and Color Run is fast approaching.

Impatiently awaiting...
Spring's arrival and the opportunity to wear all my sundresses and shorts again. I realize that I should be looking for on sale boots and winter coats, but I can't help but browse sandals, skirts, and swimwear for the upcoming Atlanta trip. As lovely as Chicago is in the winter, it's even better in the summer.